Conserving water resources
Reducing our impact on water resources involves reducing the amount of water we waste, improving water treatment and reducing our consumption.

Reducing waste water
We have improved our recovery of industrial cleaning solutions since 2017 by testing and installing new closed-loop scrubbing systems. We are part of a joint project to design a new cleaning plant using sensors and artificial intelligence to optimise industrial washing.
Improving treatment
To improve the treatment of effluent and make the waste safe for disposal in the natural environment, we have installed a new buffer tank at Ancenis (44) and an automatic rainwater monitoring system at the Ploudaniel site (29).

Reducing consumption
To reduce our water consumption we have carried out a situational analysis comparing consumption ratios by site and usage, and identified a consumption target per activity with the percentage of water that can be reused.
Meetings with NGOs
We meet regularly with environmental NGOs (France Nature Environnement and Bretagne Vivante) to report on progress at our sites and present our plans for improvement.
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Because our environmental, human and social commitment is a daily reality, we place CSR at the heart of our actions.