Laïta, the taste of commitment

Joining Laïta means choosing to be part of a community of over 3,000 men and women who share our values and are fully committed to the work they do. It also means benefiting from career and development opportunities in many stimulating and rewarding occupations.

Consult our 66 job offers

People at the heart of our concerns

Laïta is the leading dairy cooperative in the Great West region of France. We’re defined by our engagement with social dialogue, staying true to our commitments and putting people at the heart of our business.

Our human resources policy is an integral part of our development strategy. It hinges on recruiting dynamic new talent and on personal development and internal progression paths for those who embrace the values of responsibility, simplicity and team spirit, and work on a daily basis to promote the success and longevity of the company.

In keeping with its values as an employer, Laïta is committed to social responsibility, promoting diversity, combating discrimination and developing quality of life at work.

Our diversity in figures




sites located across 3 employment areas


our gender equality index for 2023


hours minimum occupational training provided every year


of the payroll invested in skills development


work placement students accommodated and supported every year across occupational areas

Employee well-being, a priority

As a key element of our CSR policy Passion du Lait®, the well-being of our employees is at the heart of our day-to-day business. Inclusion, ethical conduct, equal pay for men and women and improving health & safety and quality of life at work are an integral part of our human resources policy on well-being at work for everyone and for Laïta's collective performance. Our gender equality index, for example, was 89/100 in 2021, greatly exceeding the legal requirement of 75/100. Our management culture, supported by all our managers, aims to promote both personal development for our employees and collective performance for the company.

Responsibility, simplicity and team spirit

Whatever job we do and whatever position we hold, we all embrace and encourage the same values - responsibility, simplicity and team spirit. Our collective success guarantees the longevity of our company.

Laïta is the leading dairy cooperative in the Great West region of France. We’re defined by our engagement with social dialogue, staying true to our commitments and putting people at the heart of our business. As a multi-specialist dairy organisation, Laïta offers a wide variety of occupations and many attractive opportunities for employment and both personal and career development, which contribute to the company’s growth and dynamism.

Patrick Lecoq

Human Resources Director Laïta

People are at the heart of all the inspiring and ambitious projects that we’re constructing together. And so it will continue, with the same determination to reconcile requirement and performance with well-being and cordiality. Excellence and quality of life at work are not a given, they have to be developed through the positions you adopt and initiatives you take on a daily basis. They are structured and organised in particular through a number of staff development activities.

Nathalie Le Denmat

Director of Human Resource Development Laïta

A manager personifies the company values and strategy to provide direction for the team, to guide, encourage and refocus them with respect, never indifference.

Alain Plouhinec

Sales Director PGC France

We convey the firm values that Laïta upholds, such as simplicity, accessibility, the cooperative spirit and the satisfaction of evolving as a team, through our employer brand. This is a common thread that runs through all Laïta facilities. We work in synergy to attract the best talent.

Stéphanie Michalet

Deputy Director of HR Ancenis

Training, a factor for personal and collective development

We support skills development in all our employees by offering a variety of in-house training opportunities and internal promotions. We provide no less than 40,000 hours of training every year, i.e. 3% of the payroll, at all levels, across all our businesses and for all the different occupations. And by offering study packages for professional qualifications in the dairy industry, we can also accommodate newcomers by providing them with the necessary skills and know-how.

Join us!

Would you like to join us? Find our job offers!

We employ people with different profiles within the agri-food industry, and people with other backgrounds too, who have different kinds of experience and are keen to learn about occupations in the dairy industry. So why not join us and put your skills to good use!

Rewarding work-study programmes

A number of work-study placement positions are available every year in different work areas such as production, maintenance, IT, logistics, transportation, quality assurance and even business and marketing. Our trainees are given support and personal supervision by a tutor throughout their time with us. They undertake a variety of projects designed to develop their occupational skills in a pleasant working environment, learn to work independently and develop the know-how to become familiar with the job they’re doing. And there are job openings into the bargain.

Join us

Students, apply for one of our vacancies or send us a speculative enquiry