

Beyond the Great West region

Brittany is an international commodity, and we have daily proof.

From the Great West of France to the international marketplace

The international market is one of our priorities for consumer product sales. 

Within the framework of developing and promoting our product offer, we acquired London-based Marathon Food Ltd. in spring 2021. This distributor of Mediterranean foodstuffs is the exclusive supplier of halloumi to Eurilait. Halloumi is a type of cheese for grilling, made in Cyprus and very popular on the British market. 

By buying Marathon Food Ltd., we have secured the supply of halloumi for Eurilait and reinforced the future development of the sector. It’s one way of opening up our cheese offer to international markets

Chaque marché a ses spécificités

Each market has its own peculiarities. Consequently, Laïta has had to adapt its product ranges and the reputation of its brands to its various subsidiaries in Europe (Eurilait, Laïta Italia, Iber Conseil and Marathon Food Ltd), to our overseas departments and regions and for export to Laïta branches in Rungis, New Caledonia, Polynesia, China, Thailand, Côte-d’Ivoire, Vietnam and La Réunion.

In spite of the worldwide health crisis, new trade flows were also opened in Panama and Uruguay in 2021, and Paysan Breton expanded further in Europe with the launch of the Paysan Breton Luxurious Cream Cheese range in the UK.

Laïta exports

33 %

of turnover from exports


export countries


branches in Europe


offices around the world

Committed and passionate

All about our approach #committed

Because our environmental, human and social commitment is a daily reality, we place CSR at the heart of our actions.